Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas lights in Auckland

One thing that I always love to do in December is to go for a walk around the city looking for Christmas lights – it's so exciting to see the city all covered in magical, colorful and twinkling lights! So, as soon as December began, I searched for Christmas events around Auckland, and there it was: the Telecom Christmas Tree – a 26 metre tree with more than 37,000 lights in Auckland's Western Park in Ponsonby that was open to the public all day and night, with lightshows in the evenings.

It was amazing! As well as admiring it from the outside, we could sit under the tree on bean bags and gaze up at the stunning lights above. Besides that, children can ring the North Pole direct from dedicated Santa Line phone boxes at the base of the tree. Once they’ve made their wish, their voices activate the lights running from their phone box to the star at the top of the tree, which creates a magical experience.

If you love Christmas and want to have the feeling of childhood again, it is completely worth it!
And... Merry Christmas to everyone!!!

Art Connection:


  1. Gosto muito de ver decorações de Natal também! Interessante esta árvore em Auckland.
    Que bom poder conhecer outro país, outros costumes, mesmo que pelos olhos de outra pessoa. Seu blog é muito interessante. Parabéns!

  2. UAU!! Com a descrição que você fez dá até vontade de ir passar o Natal em Auckland. Com certeza eu não jogaria fora a chance de fazer um pedido ao papai noel! Parabéns Chelizita!! Beijinhos
